Fall Family Activities

I can confidently say that we have all the Summer Family Activities crossed off our list...we've done about 45!  It was a busy Summer, but looking ahead, it's time to talk about Fall Family Activities.  The transition from Summer to Fall makes me all kinds of weepy, however once I get over the initial depression I realize all the goodness that comes with the change of season.  Pumpkin Spice, sweaters, booties, scarves, heated car seats, sweat pants...oh the sweat pants!!!

Family Activities for Fall

Living here in Southern California we don't get a drastic change in weather so we have to get creative to make things really feel like Fall.  We kicked off the season by crossing off #1: Visit a Farm.  We went on a watermelon tour at Tanaka Farms and had so much fun!  It is for sure one of the must do Fall Family Activities.

Tanaka Farms Tour

Ford Tractor

We rode around the farm in wagons pulled by these darling tractors tasting veggies straight from the ground.  They were delicious and we were so surprised how willing the kids were to try them out.  I suppose we are going to have to travel to the farm everyday to prep dinner.

Farm Vegetables

Family Farm Tour

Family Fun

Watermelon was the clear favorite by far though.  They were a little scared of this yellow watermelon, but devoured several slices by the end of the tour.

Orange County Farm


Beware the scarecrows...this guy would be a little terrifying if you ran into him after dark.

Tanaka Farms

Watermelon Farm

Watermelon Tour

Tanaka Farms Watermelon Tour

We all got to go home with our very own watermelons since it was the end of the season.  We can't wait to go back and pick out our Pumpkins next month!  I'm thinking a little apple pie making might be next on our list of Family Activities for Fall.  Now we need to find a local orchard so we can pick our very own apples.  Hope you all enjoy some of these fun activities with the ones you love!  Right click the image below to save.  It would be fun to display in a frame in your home so you can use a dry erase marker to check off the list.

Family Activities for Fall


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Homemade Slime Recipe