Clean Your Makeup Brushes: 7 Reasons Why

You all know you're supposed to clean your makeup brushes, but how often are we actually doing it?? Here's a super simple tutorial with some tips and tricks for how to clean your makeup brushes! Links to products available at the end of this post!  First, let's have a heart to heart about why you want to clean your brushes on the regular.  Once a week cleanings are the gold standard, but don't let them go past a month.  Additionally, if you find your skin is breaking out more than usual, that's a sign your brushes probably need a good cleaning.

Clean your makeup brushes

If these 7 reasons why you need to clean your makeup brushes don't have you on a weekly cleaning schedule, I don't know what will!

  1. Bacteria Build Up: Dirty brushes are a breading ground for nasty bacteria.  Make sure you pick up a brush cleaner that also sanitizes your brushes.
  2. Clogged Pores: Putting those dirty brushes from your makeup to your face and back to your makeup is a recipe for disaster.  That old makeup settles into your pores and clogs them.
  3. Breakouts: You know that bacteria and those clogged pores we just talked about?  Yep, you guessed it!  Mix those together and you get some majorly unhappy skin.
  4. Viral Infections: If you are sharing your brushes with family members or roommates or using them on clients, you are increasing your chance of picking up a viral infection like pink eye.
  5. Bugs (Yuck!): Yep, you heard me right.  Your dirty brushes and sponges can actually attract bugs.  Is your skin crawling yet?
  6. Damaged Brushes: We are all guilty of having that one brush that is clumped up with so much makeup that it is just beyond repair.  If you are cleaning on a regular basis it will make your brushes last so much longer and will keep your money in your pocket.
  7. Muddy Make Up Application: The key to those YouTube perfect shadow looks is blending...and clean brushes.  When you already have makeup on your brushes you are not getting a true color shadow application.  Instead, you get a mixture of all the colors you have used in the days before, making for a muddy looking mess.

If this post has your running to your bathroom to get to scrubbing, check out this quick video showing you have to clean your brushes in a fraction of the time it usually takes.  The key to quick and easy brush cleaning is great brush cleaner.  I use Senegence Brush Cleaner and it was a life changing transition.  You can see below how quickly it breaks down product leaving your brushes looking like new.  Grab yours HERE.


Looking for a new set a brushes to start over?  Here are some of my faves along with some additional cleaning supplies.

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